姓 名:王翔宇
博士,教授,博士/硕士生导师,华东交通大学特聘教授,科睿唯安”全球高被引科学家(智能建造领域首位)、欧盟科学院院士(EUAS)、前澳大利亚科廷大学终身首席教授;曾任澳大利亚国家基金委专家委员会委员(ARC College of Experts)(对标中国国家基金委学部主任,美国国科会学部主任)。过去十年内,王翔宇教授先后主持国内外项目100余项,获得超过2亿元人民币科研及转化经费;王翔宇教授及团队自2014 年以来获得15个澳洲国家科学基金(ARC )项目,受邀在国际有影响力的学术会议上做过百余次主旨演讲(包括智博会, 世界VR产业大会等世界级论坛);发表SCI/SSCI论文300余篇(中科院一区文章100余篇),其中Web of Science ESI top 1% 高被引文章目前21篇,历年累计接近30篇, 热点文章10篇;Web of Science core collection被引次数近10,000次,H-index超过50, 入选全球前0.2%顶尖科学家榜单(World's Top 0.2% Scientists 2020), 在全球智能建造(BIM分支)及相关领域研究产出及贡献排名第一;曾近十几次荣获期刊和国际学术会议最佳论文奖(包括ISARC、ICCBEI、CONVR和IJPR); 王教授团队目前已经出站了20多位博士后,毕业了超过30位博士生,及培养了数以百计的教授/副教授/助理教授/高级讲师/讲师/研究助理/研究员/访问学者/访问学生,目前任教于澳新,亚洲,欧洲各个国家和地区。
1996/09-2000/06 同济大学,土木工程专业,本科
2000/09-2002/06 美国华盛顿大学,土木工程专业,硕士
2002/06-2005/08 美国普渡大学,土木工程专业,博士
2023/01-至今 华东交通大学,土建学院,教授
2015/01-2018/12澳大利亚国家基金委专家委员会委员大评(Australian Research Council, ARC, College of Experts)
2012/01/-2022/12 澳亚BIM研究中心主任(Australasian Research Centre for Building Information Modelling)
2011/01-2022/12 教授(Professor),澳大利亚科廷大学,设计与建筑环境学院(School of Design and the Built Environment, Curtin University, Australia)
2010/01-2010/12 高级讲师(Senior Lecturer),澳大利亚新南威尔士大学(University of New South Wales, Australia)
2006/01-2010/12 讲师(Lecturer),澳大利亚悉尼大学(University of Sydney,Australia)
[1] ARC Linkage Project 2019-2022 :( #LP180100222), Asset Intelligence: Maximising Operational Effectiveness for Digital Era, Chief Investigator: Prof. Xiangyu Wang; A/P. Peng Wu; Dr. Jun Wang; Prof. Keith Hampson, Prof. Sherif Mohamed; Prof. Robin Drogemuller; Prof. Vivian Tam; A/P. Khoa Le; Prof. Carrie Dossick; Prof. Zhi you Wu; Mr. Brett Belstead; Mr. William Hackney, ARC funding: $ 436,824.00, Industry funding: $ 120,000.00, Total: $ 556,824.00, Partner Organisation: Griffith University; Queensland University of Technology; Western Sydney University; Main Roads Western Australia; AURECON AUSTRALASIA PTY LTD; University of Washington; Chongqing Normal University
[2] ARC Industrial Training Centre 2012-2021 (#IC150100023): ARC Training Centre for Advanced Manufacturing of Prefabricated Housing, Main Participating Organisations, The University of Melbourne (Leading Organisation); Curtin University; The University of Sydney; Monash University; Tektum Pty Limited; CIMC Modular Building System Pty Ltd ect. Curtin Investigators: Prof. Peter Newman; Prof. Hong Hao;Prof. Xiangyu Wang; Funding Total: $4,000,000.00
[3] ARC Discovery Project, DP170104613 (2017-2019): “Automatic construction monitoring through semantic information modelling”,Xiangyu Wangand Ioannis Brilakis, awarded amount: $547,500
[4] ARC Discovery Project, DP170104612 (2017-2019): “A multi-agent system for stakeholder management in off-site construction”,Xiangyu Wang, Kerry London, Changzhi Wu, Heap-Yih Chong, awarded amount: $432,000
[5] Research Council (ARC) Linkage Grant (LP160100528) (2016-2019): “Bridge Performance Assessment through Advanced Sensing and Modelling”, Chief Investigators:Xiangyu Wang, Yong hong Wu, Jun Li, Keith Hampson, Chang zhi Wu, Hung-Lin Chi, Ian Smith, Theodore Shao, James Body, Mahes Rajakaruna; Sarah Iwaniw, awarded amount $280,000.
[6] KAEFER Integrated Services (2016-2019): Scaffolding productivity, Chief Investigator:Xiangyu Wang, awarded amount AUD $ 160,000.
[7]Getac Inc. (2016-2019): Chief Investigators:Xiangyu Wang, awarded amount $1,200.
[8] Macdonald Surveying (2016-2019): Chief Investigators:Xiangyu Wang, awarded amount $7,000.
[9]Inspectivity (2016-2019): Chief Investigators:Xiangyu Wang, awarded amount $3,000.
[10] Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.; Main Roads Western Australia; NSW Roads and Maritime Services; Aurecon Australasia Pty. Ltd. (2016-2019): “Bridge Performance Assessment through Advanced Sensing and Modelling”, Chief Investigators:Xiangyu Wang, Yonghong Wu, Jun Li, Keith Hampson, Changzhi Wu, Hung-Lin Chi, Ian Smith, Theodore Shao, James Body, Mahes Rajakaruna; Sarah Iwaniw, awarded amount $170,000 (Industry cash contributing to ARC Linkage LP160100528).
[1]Wang, X.and Dunston, P.S. (2009). Mixed Reality-based Collaborative Virtual Environments: Specification, Prototype, and Evaluation in Design and Construction, ISBN: 978-3-639-11687-8, VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, Germany.
[2]Wang, X.and Schnabel, M.A. (eds.) (2009). Mixed Reality in Architecture, Design, and Construction, ISBN: 978-1-4020-9087-5, Springer-Verlag.
[3]Wang, X.and Tsai J. (eds.) (2011). Collaborative Design in Virtual Environments, ISBN: 978-94-007-0604-0, Springer-Verlag.
[4]Wang, X.(ed.) (2011). Mixed Reality and Human-Robot Interaction, ISBN: 978-94-007-0581-4, Springer-Verlag.
[5]Gu, Ning andWang, X.(eds.) (2012). Computational Design Methods and Technologies: Applications in CAD, CAM and CAE Education, ISBN13: 9781613501801, IGI Global Publisher.
[6]Anumba, C. andWang, X.(eds.) (2012). Mobile and Pervasive Computing in Construction, ISBN: 978-0-470-65801-7, Wiley – Blackwell Publisher.
[7]Xu, H. andWang, X.(eds.) (2014). Optimization and Control Methods in Industrial Engineering and Construction, Springer-Verlag. ISBN: 9789401780438
[8]Peng Wu, Li, H. andWang, X.(2017). Integrated Building Information Modelling, Bentham eBook, ISBN: 9781681084589.
[9]Wang, X., and Chi, H.L. (2015). Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative Production and Construction (IPC 2015).
Leviakangas, P. and Wang, X. (eds.) “Digitalised Built Environment”, in review, Emerald.
[10]Wang, X., and Rahnamayiezekavat, P. (2016). Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative Production and Construction (IPC 2016).
[1] Zhang, G., Chen, C., Li, K., Xiao, F., Sun,J., Wang, Y., &Wang, X.(2022). Multi-objective optimisation design forGFRP tendon reinforced cemented soil. Construction and Building Materials, 320, 126297.
[2] Sun, J., Wang, Y., Liu, S., Dehghani, A.,Xiang, X., Wei, J., &Wang, X.(2021). Mechanical, chemical and hydrothermal activation for waste glass reinforced cement. Construction and Building Materials, 301, 124361.
[3] Sun, J., Aslani, F., Wei, J., &Wang, X.(2021). Electromagnetic absorption of copper fiber-oriented composite using 3D printing. Construction and Building Materials, 300, 124026.
[4] Bie, Y., Ji, J.,Wang, X., & Qu, X.(2021). Optimization of electric bus scheduling considering stochastic volatilities in trip travel time and energy consumption. Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 36(12),1530-1548.
[5] Sun, J., Lin, S., Zhang, G., Sun, Y., Zhang, J., Chen,C., ... &Wang, X.(2021). The effect of graphite and slag on electricaland mechanical properties of electrically conductive cementitious composites. Construction and Building Materials, 281,122606.
[6] Hou, L., Wu, S., Zhang, G., Tan, Y., &Wang, X.(2020). Literature review of digital twins applications in construction workforce safety. Applied Sciences, 11(1), 339.
[7] Wu, C., Wu, P., Wang, J., Jiang, R., Chen, M., &Wang, X.(2021). Ontological knowledge base for concrete bridge rehabilitation project management. Automation in construction, 121,103428.
[8] Wu, C., Wu, P., Wang, J., Jiang, R., Chen, M., &Wang, X.(2021). Critical review of data-driven decision-making in bridge operation and maintenance. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 18(1),47-70.
[9] Xu, S., Wang, J., Shou, W., Ngo, T., Sadick, A. M., &Wang, X.(2021). Computer vision techniques in construction: a critical review. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 28(5),3383-3397.
[10] Zhu, J., Wu, P., Chen, M., Kim, M. J.,Wang, X., &Fang, T. (2020). Automatically processing IFC clipping representation for BIM and GIS integration at the process level. Applied sciences, 10(6),2009.
[11] Qu, X., Yu, Y., Zhou, M., Lin, C. T., &Wang, X.(2020). Jointly dampening traffic oscillations and improving energy consumption with electric, connected and automated vehicles: a reinforcement learning based approach. Applied Energy, 257, 114030.
[12] Wu, C.,Wang, X., Chen, M., & Kim, M. J. (2019).Differential received signal strength-based RFID positioning for construction equipment tracking. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 42,100960.
[13] Zhu, J.,Wang, X., Chen, M., Wu, P., & Kim, M. J.(2019). Integration of BIM and GIS: IFC geometry transformation to shape file using enhanced open-source approach. Automation in construction, 106,102859.
[14] Hu, X., Chong, H. Y., &Wang, X.(2019).Sustainability perceptions of off-site manufacturing stakeholders in Australia. Journal of Cleaner Production, 227, 346-354.
[15] Zhu, J.,Wang, X., Wang, P., Wu, Z., & Kim, M. J.(2019). Integration of BIM and GIS: Geometry from IFC to shape file using open-source technology. Automation in Construction, 102,105-119.
[16] Wang, L., Yuan, J., Wu, C., &Wang, X.(2019).Practical algorithm for stochastic optimal control problem about microbialfermentation in batch culture. Optimization Letters, 13(3),527-541.
[17] Li, X., Yi, W., Chi, H. L.,Wang, X., & Chan, A. P.(2018). A critical review of virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) applications in construction safety. Automation in Construction, 86,150-162.
[18] Zhu, J., Shi, Q., Wu, P., Sheng, Z., &Wang, X.(2018). Complexity analysis of prefabrication contractors’ dynamic price competition in mega projects with different competition strategies. Complexity, 2018.
[19] Chong, H. Y., Lee, C. Y., &Wang, X.(2017). A mixed review of the adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) for sustainability. Journal of cleaner production, 142,4114-4126.
[20] Wu, P., Wang, J., &Wang, X.(2016). A critical review of the use of 3-D printing in the construction industry. Automation in Construction, 68, 21-31.
[21] Liu, J., Wu, C., Wu, G., &Wang, X.(2015). A novel differential search algorithm and applications for structure design. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 268, 246-269.
[1]一种3D打印锑尾矿固废快硬混凝土,ZL 2022 1 0740526.8。
[2]科睿唯安(Clarivate)“高被引科学家”(Highly-Cited Researchers 2022)(土木工程/交通运输/建筑与建造三大领域高被引论文数量第一)
[3]Best Paper Award: international Journal of Production Research, 2018
[4]Best Student Paper Award:AUBEA 2019, 6-8 November, Brisbane.
[5]Best Student Paper Award:International Conference on Construction Project Management and Construction Engineering (iCCPMCE 2018), Sydney, 2018
[6]Distinction Paper Award:Xin Liu and Xiangyu Wang, CRIOCM2015, 23-25 October, Zhejiang, China.
[7]Runner-Up Award of 2012 Curtin Commercial Innovation Awards:“Improving Productivity in LNG”
[8]Prize for Highest Research Performance Index Points for Publications:, Faculty of Humanities, 2013
[9]International Scholar Visiting Research Fellowship:Department of Housing and Interior Design, Kyung Hee University, Korea, April 2010 – March 2012.
[10]International Researcher Award:Taiwan National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan, September, 2009
1. 出站博士后
出站年份 | 姓名 | 论文题目 | 出站后去向 |
2007 | Ning Gu | 基于BIM的协同参数化设计及数字建筑的优化 | 现南澳大学正教授 |
2014 | Mi Jeong Kim | 健康智能家居服务,结合基于MAR的能源消耗感知系统 | 庆熙大学助理教授 (现汉阳大学正教授) |
2008 | Jerry Tsai | 虚拟环境中不同尺度的协同设计研究 | 元智大学 (现Senior Consultant, Pleasantview Pty. Ltd.) |
2009 | Iman Zadeh | 开发和实施虚拟现实环境中设计性能的情感测量 | 现甲骨文集团资深科学家 |
2012 | Jingyang Zhou (周静阳) | BIM在石油和天然气行业的应用 | 科廷大学博士后研究员 |
2015 | Lei Hou (侯磊) | 基于移动计算的能源化工厂施工智能化管理研究 | 格雷福斯大学讲师 (现墨尔本皇家理工大学高级讲师) |
2016 | Hung Lin Chi (纪宏霖) | 施工现场智能吊装与机器人技术研究 | 香港理工大学助理教授(现香港理工大学副教授) |
2015 | Changzhi Wu (吴昌质) | 基于虚拟设计与施工的脚手架全生命周期优化研究 | 科廷大学高级讲师,BIM中心副主任 (现广州大学教授) |
2013 | Jianjun Liu (刘建军) | 一种新型的差分搜索算法及其在结构设计中的应用 | 中国石油大学教授 |
2016 | Xin Liu (刘鑫) | 施工现场三维热环境模拟与预警 | 华为集团 |
2016 | Yunyan Jia (贾云艳) | 施工安全管理理论与方法研究 | 香港大学 |
2016 | Heap-Yih Chong(张协仪) | 工业化建造利益相关者管理与研究 | 科廷大学高级讲师 (现科廷大学副教授) |
2014 | Fenglei Li | 运营维护阶段设备性能精准预测研究 | 太原理工大学教授 |
2014 | Xuedong Zhang (张雪东) | 基于BIM的施工场地动态布局优化研究 | 安徽财经大学教授 |
2014 | Sung-Kon Moon | 基于RFID的施工供应链追踪与管理 | 斯威本大学讲师 (现韩国Ajou University副教授) |
2014 | Reza Parand | FLNG的汞处理管理 | ACOR咨询公司高级工程师 |
2014 | Yufei Sun (孙雨菲) | 在概率风险度量下的多时期投资组合优化 | 力拓矿业公司数据分析师 |
2015 | Chao Mao (毛超) | 中国建筑工业化的关键驱动因素和路径研究 | 重庆大学教授 |
2015 | Robert Lopez | 液化天然气基础设施项目中施工临时设施的供应链管理 | 科廷大学讲师 |
2015 | Wen Yi (伊文) | 高温和潮湿环境下现场工人实时预警研究 | 新西兰马塞大学讲师 (现香港理工大学助理教授) |
2016 | Peter Ni | 基于先进传感器和人工智能的桥梁结构性能评估与预测 | 北京工业大学 |
2017 | Xin hu (胡鑫) | 基于多代理系统的工业化建造利益相关者管理与研究 | 迪肯大学讲师 |
2018 | Ahmed Hammad | 建筑能耗模拟与设计优化 | 新南威尔士大学高级讲师 |
2018 | Wenchi Shou (寿文池) | 能源石化工厂精益停产维护管理研究 | 西悉尼大学讲师 (现高级讲师) |
2018 | Jun Wang (汪军) | 施工现场自动化三维重建与BIM模型语义增强 | 迪肯大学讲师 (现西悉尼大学高级讲师) |
2018 | Ki-Yeob Kang | 对海上平台上诱导的气体爆炸进行统计和概率风险评估 | Genesis海底管道工程师 |
2018 | Junxiang Zhu (朱俊翔) | BIM与GIS的集成管理研究 | 科廷大学博士后 (现科廷大学讲师) |
2023 | Junbo Sun (孙浚博) | 3D 打印固废资源化, 多功能混凝土智能设计 | 重庆大学溧阳智慧城市研究院智慧建造中心副主任 |
2. 毕业博士研究生
毕业年份 | 姓名 | 论文题目 | 毕业去向 |
2013 | Lei Hou (侯磊) | 基于增强现实的构件组装优化研究 | 格里菲斯大学讲师 (现墨尔本皇家理工高级讲师) |
2017 | Jian Chai (柴建) | 石油天然气工厂自动化三维重建 | 澳大利亚大疆公司测绘工程师 |
2018 | Jun Wang(汪军) | 基于BIM的施工现场全约束管理与优化 | 迪肯大学讲师 (现西悉尼大学高级讲师) |
2018 | Wenchi Shou (寿文池) | 基于精益管理和价值流程图的停厂大修诊断与优化 | 西悉尼大学讲师 (现西悉尼大学高级讲师) |
2018 | Yongze Song (宋永泽) | 基于地理模型的重型卡车交通环境影响评价与多维度决策 | 科廷大学博士后 (现科廷大学高级讲师) |
2018 | Tao Zhou (周涛) | 基于元启发式的建筑供应链建模和优化 | 迪肯大学博士后 (现IISRI研究员) |
2019 | Behrouz Beheshti | 基于人工智能和工厂信息模型的生产流程管理与风险预警 | 首席数据科学家 (微软-埃森哲联合公司Avanade) |
2019 | Seong Mok Paik | 考虑道路使用者成本的道路维修决策管理 | 都柏林大学学院助理教授 |
2019 | Ki-Yeob Kang | 海上平台诱导气体爆炸统计和概率风险评估 | 科廷大学博士后 (现Genesis海底管道工程师) |
2019 | Junxiang Zhu (祝俊翔) | 基于语义和几何转换方法在数据层面整合BIM和GIS系统 | 科廷大学博士后 (现科廷大学讲师) |
2019 | Cen-Ying Lee | 基于集成信任的功能承包:BIM支持的石油和天然气EPC项目交付的补充合同方法 | 英国雷丁大马来西亚校区学讲师 (现邦迪大学助理教授) |
2020 | Stuart Potter | 通过智能降低几何复杂性来减少计算流体动力学仿真成本 | 科廷大学博士后 |
2020 | Yi Tan (谭毅) | 与香港科技大学联培: 基于BIM的海上油气平台的安全运营和退役研究 | 深圳大学助理教授 |
2020 | Do Yep Lee | 与韩国中央大学联培:基于本体和BIM的建筑缺陷信息的关联和共享研究 | 韩国中央大学 |
2021 | Yuan-hao Tsai (蔡沅浩) | 与台湾大学联培:基于BIM的先进工作包理论的大型复杂项目施工信息流管理 | Creative Sensor公司创始人兼总经理 |
2021 | Wenzheng Ying (应文峥) | 基于深度学习的脚手架安装过程自动识别与效率评估 | 中信泰富工程师 (现U Group数据分析工程师) |
2021 | Peng Wang (王鹏) | 基于虚拟现实和精益思想的脚手架安装培训研究 | 中国西南大学副教授 |
2021 | 吴承科 | 基于高级约束管理的桥梁维护改进的语义信息管理方法 | 中科院深圳先进技术研究院博士后 |
2021 | Mona Arabshahi | 建筑行业传感器使用规范与治理研究 | Talis咨询公司土木工程师 |
2022 | 徐淑媛 | 基于BIM和IFC的桥梁缺陷信息表示和分析方法 | 浙江理工大学讲师 |
2023 | Yanhui Sun(孙延辉) | Design for manufacture and assembly-based design guidelines for high-rise modular buildings基于制造与装配设计的高层模块化建筑设计准则研究 | 科廷大学研究助理 |
2024 | Weixiang Shi(史伟翔) | Optimal wireless sensor network on bridge health monitoring桥梁健康监测的最优无线传感网络研究 | 江西交通投资集团 |
2024 | Chongyi Liu | Enhancing CAD Drawing Compliance Checking with Advanced Deep Learning Methods基于先进深度学习方法的CAD图纸合规性检查优化 | 科廷大学研究助理 |
2024 | Doshvarpassand Siavash | Intelligent Structural Health Monitoring of Mechanical Infrastructure using Advanced Processing of Thermographic Images基于热成像图像高级处理的机械基础设施智能结构健康监测 | 科廷大学研究助理 |