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近五年,独立主持纵向研究项目10项,获得包括英国研究理事会(NERC)、英国皇家工程院牛顿基金(RAEng)、英国土木工程师学会(ICE)、以及英国国家结构完整性研究中心(NSIRC)、国家自然科学基金、江西省自然科学基金重点项目等资助;发表SCI论文30多篇,由Wiley出版英文学术专著“Structural Health Monitoring of Large Civil Engineering Structures”(大型土木工程结构的结构健康监测)一本。





1. 学习经历

1981/091985/07 合肥工业大学,水工结构专业,本科

1985/091988/06 合肥工业大学,结构工程专业,硕士

1995/101998/12 英国格拉斯哥大学大学,结构工程专业,博士

2. 工作经历

1988/06-1994/10 浙江省宁波大学土木工程系助教、讲师;


1995/10-1998/05 英国格拉斯哥大学土木工程系博士生;

1998/05-2007/09 英国南方测试土木咨询工程公司高级工程师;

2007/09-2015/03 英国格林威治大学土木工程系博导、高级讲师;

2015/03-2018/10 英国格林威治大学工程科学系终身正教授、研究中心主任;



[1] Monitoring based performance assessment of civil infrastructureNRCP/1415/14),英国皇家工程院牛顿基金项目,2014.01-2016.12,陈华鹏主持。

[2] Risk based performance forecast of flood defences affected by changing environments NE/M008487/1),英国自然环境研究理事会项目,2015.01-2017.12,陈华鹏主持。

[3] Guided wave based structural integrity assessment of pipesSIRF-201503),英国国家结构完整性研究中心(NSIRC)项目,2016.01-2019.12,陈华鹏主持。

[4] Adapting flood and coastal defences to climate changeICE-1305),英国土木工程师学会(ICE)研发基金,2014.01-2018.12,陈华鹏主持。

[5] 高速铁路钢轨疲劳裂纹非线性导波混合的监测方法研究(51978263),国家自然科学基金金面上项目, 2020.01-2023.12,陈华鹏主持。

[6] 基于非线性导波的高速铁路钢轨疲劳损伤智能识别和监测的理论和方法研究(20192ACBL2000 8),江西省自然科学基金重点项目,2020.01-2022.12,陈华鹏主持。

[7] 智能交通基础设施工程研究中心-新动能培育平台专项创新能力建设项目,江西省发展改革委项目,2021.01-2022.12,陈华鹏主持。


1. 英文学术专著

[1] Hua-Peng Chen*, 2018. Structural Health Monitoring of Large Civil Engineering Structures, published by John Wiley & Sons Limited, 336 pages, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 9781119166436

2. 主要代表性论文(*为通讯作者)

[2] Hua-Peng Chen* and Mehrdad Bahari Mehrabani, 2019. Reliability analysis and optimum maintenance of coastal flood defences using probabilistic deterioration modelling. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 185(2019), 163-174.

[3] Hua-Peng Chen* and Mehrdad Bahari Mehrabani, 2019. Lifetime wave overtopping risk analysis of sea defences subjected to changing operational conditions. Journal of Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol. 97(2019), 464-479.

[4] Hua-Peng Chen*, 2018. Residual flexural capacity and performance assessment of corroded reinforced concrete beams. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 144(12), 04018213.

[5] Hua-Peng Chen* and Jaya Nepal, 2018. Modelling flexural strength deterioration of concrete structures due to reinforcement corrosion. ACI Structural, Vol. 115(6), 1-12.

[6] Musa Aliyu and Hua-Peng Chen*, 2018. Enhanced geothermal system modelling with multiple pore media: thermo-hydraulic coupled processes. Energy, Vol. 165 (2018), 931-948.

[7] Musa Aliyu and Hua-Peng Chen*, 2017. Sensitivity analysis of deep geothermal reservoir: Effect of reservoir parameters on production temperature. Energy, Vol. 129(2017), 101-113.

[8] Musa Aliyu and Hua-Peng Chen*, 2017. Optimum control parameters and long-term productivity of geothermal reservoirs using coupled thermo-hydraulic process modelling. Renewable Energy, Vol. 112, 151-165.

[9] Hua-Peng Chen* and Jaya Nepal, 2016. Analytical model for residual bond strength of corroded reinforcement in concrete structures. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 142(2), 04015079-1~8. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM .1943-7889.0000997.

[10] Hua-Peng Chen*, Maung Than Soe, 2014. Structural damage evolution assessment using regularised time step integration method. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 333(18), 4104–4122.

[11] Hua-Peng Chen*, Maung Than Soe, 2014. Regularised finite element model updating using measured incomplete modal data. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 333(21), 5566–5582.

[12] Hua-Peng Chen*, Zaoyang Guo and Xiangming Zhou, 2012. Stress singularities of composite laminates with a frictional interface. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. 35(8), 718–731.

[13] Hua-Peng Chen* and N. Bicanic, 2010. Identification of structural damage in buildings using iterative procedure and regularisation method. Engineering Computations, Vol. 27(8), 930-950.

[14] Hua-Peng Chen*, 2010. Mode shape expansion using perturbed force approach. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 329(8), 1177-1190.

[15] Hua-Peng Chen*, 2008. Application of regularization method to damage detection in plane frame structures from incomplete noisy modal data. Engineering Structures, Vol. 30(11), 3219-3227.

[16] Hua-Peng Chen*, 2006. Efficient methods for determining modal parameters of dynamic structures with large modifications. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 298(1-2), 462-470.

[17] Hua-Peng Chen* and N. Bicanic, 2006. Inverse damage prediction in structures using nonlinear dynamic perturbation theory. Computational Mechanics, Vol. 37(5), 455 – 467.

[18] Hua-Peng Chen*, 2005. Nonlinear perturbation theory for structural dynamic systems. AIAA Journal (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics), Vol. 43(11), 2412-2421.

[19] Hua-Peng Chen* and N. Bicanic, 2000. Assessment of damage in continuum structures based on incomplete modal information. Computers and Structures, Vol. 74, 559-570.

[20] Hua-Peng Chen*, 1997. Stress singularities in anisotropic multi-material wedges and junctions. International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 35(11), 1057-1073.


[1] 英国格林威治大学最佳博士论文奖博士导师, 两次,2013年和2018.

[2] 英国海外研究学生奖Oversea Research Student Award. 

[3] 英国格拉斯哥大学博士学生奖Glasgow University Scholarship. 

[4] 国家教委中英友好奖学金.  


[1] 英国土木工程师学会会士Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers, UK. 

[2] 英国皇家特许土木工程师Chartered Civil Engineer. 

[3] 英国高等教育学会会士Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK.

[4] 英国国家结构完整性研究中心(NSIRC)的学术导师(Academic Supervisor.

[5] 江西省“双千计划”创新领军人才(长期项目).


[1] 国际杂志SCI源刊Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal编委, Central European Journal of Engineering编委, International Journal of Lifecycle Performance Engineering编委.

[2] 十多次国际学术期刊的特邀主编/编辑,包括Smart Structures and Systems, Structural Mechanics & Engineering, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, ASCE等期刊.

[3] 十余个国际国家研究基金特邀专家评审人, 包括欧洲研究理事会(ERC, 香港研究资助局 (RGC), 加拿大自然科学与工程研究理事会 (NSERC), 英国研究理事会(RCUK),英国皇家工程院(RAEng, 英国工程物理研究理事会(EPSRC) . 

[4] 70余种国际学术期刊特约审稿人.

[5] 十多次国际学术会议作大会报告/特邀报告,十多次国际学术会议分会组织者.

[6] 英国南方测试土木咨询工程公司(Southern Testing)高级顾问.